Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Character: Charlie

So in our school we get mock concept projects and here is one of the characters I've done for it. We begin the character development by submitting a variety of line drawings of the character. From the batch of line drawings our teachers choose the one they would rather see finalized. They give us corrections along the way, until we're done and end up with a very detailed character painting.

and a pose from our gesture class :)


robin_chyo said...

nice job, karla! that guy totally looks like danny devito to me. haha :)love how you handled it's hair

Moai said...

Wonderful character! Beautifully tense and anxious. The scarf and bunny slippers add a lot.

Tom Scholes said...

Gahlorrrrrrrd these are some great paints <3

Chris Bonura said...

Shit Yea! Charlie is pure win!

Kekai said...

Yeesh, all of this is awesome.

redi said...

craizeh !this is owsem !